Side Dishes

Lovely Bavarian Potato Dumplings (Kartoffelknödel)


  • 1kg / 2,2lb Baking potatoes
  • 3 eggs
  • Salt
  • Mace

Let’s create something tasty:

  1. Wash half of the potatoes, and cook in salt water until tender. Drain, cool slighlty, peel while hot, and press through a potatoe ricer
  2. Peel the rest of the potatoes, wash them, and grate them finaly. Place the grated potatoes on cheesecloth or a tea towel over a bowl, press hard to squeeze out the water. Reserve the liquid.
  3. Allow the liquid to stand for at least 15 minutes so the strach can separate and settle to the bottom of the bowl. Then carefully pour off the water, take the starch remaining at the bottom, and blend it into the grated potatoes in a bowl. Combine the riced potatoes with the blend of grated potatoes and strach, and mix thoroughly.
  4. Separate the eegs; the whites may be used for another recipe. Stir the yolk into the dough, season with salt and mace, and mix until a smooth dough forms.
  5. Fil a large pot with water, bring it to a boil, and add two or three pinches of salt. Wet your hands, take a handful of dough, and form it to smooth, round dumpling. Place the dumplings in the boiling water, and allow them to simmer at low heat for ten minutes.

Our tip:

  • If there are any leftovers, you can re-heat them by cutting them into slices and frying them in butter. Sautè some sliced onions and bacon with the Knödel.
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