Rinse the meat, and pat dry with a paper towel. Heat the oil in a large pan, and seat the meat on all sides at moderate heat. Add enough water to cover the meat; salt lightly, and let the meat simmer (not boil) at low heat for about 3 hours. From time to time, scoop off the foam that rises to the surface.
Peel and halve the onion, carrots, tomato, celeriac, and parsley root. Add to the veal for the last 30 minutes of the cooking time.
Clean the leek and add it to the broth for the last 15 minutes of the cooking time along with the bay leaf, juniper berries, peppercorns, and parsley sprigs.
Our tip:
Celeriac (also called celery root) is slightly different in texture and flavor than stalk celery, which may be used as a substitute.